Abstract: Alfred Nobel was the man who founded what became known as The Nobel Prizes. Nobel also invented dynamite, becoming very wealthy from his invention. Saddened by its use for harmful destruction, Nobel left his fortune to create yearly prizes for those who have rendered the greatest services to mankind.
Sleeping Bear Press, 2009.
I know that Alfred nobel was great scientist, but in which faculty he got the nobel "prize".
This was a fascinating story -- it happened that Alfred's obituary was accidentally published prematurely (his brother had died and the newspaper published the wrong obit.)
Alfred had invented dynomite as a way to make blasting safer for engineering projects like tunnels & bridges and was so upset that he was being remembered for the military uses that he determined to establish the prizes that bear his name!
I used this in a storytime last Spring with K-4th graders.
Theme: Occupations - people who made a difference (with a humanitarian/environmental slant):
(A poetic look at workers we may take for granted -->) Worksong -- Paulson
(A very unusual occupation! -->) Top Job -- Kimmel (K-2)
(from 1450 ft. above, to 1500 ft. below -->)The Fantastic Undersea Life of Jacques Cousteau -- Yaccarino (all)
(showed photographs from Zronik's photo-biography of same 200 b.c. wine jugs, underwater craft)
(another inventor -->) Alfred Nobel: The Man Behind the Peace Priz -- Wargin (all
(speaking of the Nobel Peace Prize, here's the story of the woman who won it in 2004-->)
Wangari's Trees of Peace -- Winter (K-2)
Planting the Trees of Kenya -- Nivola (4th)
(a poetic look at some unusual occupations -->) The Underwear Salesman and other jobs for better or verse -- Lewis J811.54 LEW (selections read in all classes)
Entrepreneur and Scientist - He achieved more than most of us can only dream of!!
I liked this article - http://myamazingpeople.com/2010/01/23/peace-or-death/
Oh and look what else I just found on Alfred Nobel! http://www.learnoutloud.com/Catalog/Biography/Business-Leaders/Amazing-Careers/34230
Ive uploaded it onto my ipod
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